Key words: image enhancement, image stitching, geometry rectification, etc.
Mixed Noise Removal with Pareto Prior. Z. Liu, L. Yu, G.-S. Xia, H. Sun. arXiv:2008.11935, 2020. [paper] |
Single Image Deraining with Continuous Rain Density Estimations. J. He, L. Yu, G.-S. Xia, W. Yang. arXiv:2006.03190, 2020. [paper][Code] |
Event Enhanced High-Quality Image Recovery. B. Wang, J. He, L. Yu, G.-S. Xia, W. Yang. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020. [paper] |
Implicit Euler ODE Networks for Single-Image Dehazing. J. Shen, L. Yu, W. Yang, G.-S. Xia. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop (CVPR-workshop) - V4AS, 2020. [paper] |
Learning to Calibrate Straight Lines for Fisheye Image Rectification. Z.-C Xue, N. Xue, G.-S. Xia, W. Shen. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019: 1643-1651. [paper] |
Fisheye Distortion Rectification from Deep Straight Lines. Z.-C. Xue, N. Xue, G.-S. Xia arXiv:2003.11386, 2020. [paper] |
A generic framework for the structured abstraction of images. N. Faraj, G.-S. Xia, J. Delon and Y. Gousseau. Expressive-NPAR 2017, July 29-30, Los Angeles, USA, 2017. [paper][Code] |
Globally consistent correspondence of multiple feature sets using proximal Gauss-Seidel relaxation. J.-G. Yu, G.-S. Xia, A. Samal, J. Tian. Pattern Recognition, Vol.51, pp.255–267, 2016. [paper] |
Image stitching by line-guided local warping with global similarity constraint. T. Xiang, G.-S. Xia, X.Bai, L. Zhang. Pattern Recognition, Vol.83, pp.481–497, 2018. [paper] |
Locally warping-based image stitching by imposing line constrains. T. Xiang, G.-S. Xia and L. Zhang. IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR): Cancun, Mexico, 2016. [paper] |
Image stitching with perspective-preserving warping. T.Xiang, G.-S. Xia, L. Zhang. ISPRS 2016 - XXIII ISPRS Congress: Prague, Czech Republic, 2016. [paper] |
Finding edges of buildings via a junction process in high-resolution remotely sensed images. B. Xu, N. Xue, G.-S. Xia, L. Zhang. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS): Milan, Italy, 2015. [paper] |
Compositional boosting for computing hierarchical image structures. T.-F. Wu, G.-S. Xia, S.-C. Zhu. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR): Minnesota, USA, June, 2007. [paper] |